Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Orientation Sessions

Professor Judge from the English department shares her thoughts with us on library orientations.

"In fall 2009 my First Year Composition class met in the library three times. Usually, I introduce English Composition students to the library with one visit with instruction from librarians that is designed to help students with research projects.

In the future, I will continue to schedule multiple classes with a librarian for First Year Composition students. The reasons? Multiple visits benefit students by giving them customized help with their research projects and greater familiarity with our library’s systems and resources. Typically, students complain that they can’t find enough material for their research papers, but not one student ran into that problem last fall because of the extra help they had in locating material. Also, students found better sources because they received three times as much instruction on how to do this.

I think that visiting the library more than once also helped students to be comfortable in that space because I know that a number of them routinely use the library as their place to study."


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