Our library website contains dozens of links to our catalog, various databases, online resources, and email contacts. Visiting our website and bookmarking it is an excellent idea. However, sometimes you need a resource quickly and you don't want to follow the bookmark and click through to the proper page. That's where our new browser toolbar comes in handy. You can download it quickly to your Internet Explorer or Firefox browser. It will then allow you to access all of our resources with one click! Try it out.
Do you use the library computer lab frequently? If so, you'll want to keep your eye on our calendar for the lab. As you probably know we teach classes in the lab from time to time. Now you can know exactly when the lab will be open and when a class might be using it. Bookmark this link and check the calendar whenever you plan to use our lab. Remember: this calendar is on MyGVC, so it will prompt you for your username and password if you click on it from off-campus.
We know you have questions about your class work and your research. Our job is to help you answer those questions. We check our email all the time, so feel free to send us a question and we'll get right back to you.
Check back here to see our next blog post. We'll have more resource links like this from time to time, including what's new on the web.